Who we are

Medexpert was established in 2001 as a Company focused on the medical examination field, with the highest professional standards for the major insurance groups in Italy.
Medical assessment is our core business, as the highest quality in Legal Medicine is Medexpert’s main objective and we pay attention to the Medical Experts’ role, providing the best technical and cultural tools for damage assessment.


Innovation in the field of insurance medicine

Operative center

A team that can count on specific and dedicated expertise in the management and monitoring of the medico-legal network and the process of the consultancy entrusted.

Specialist networks

A Network of Affiliated Consultants in the various clinical specializations, which allows a totally targeted response to each case.

Medical-Legal trust networks

The Trust Network extends throughout the national territory, ensuring adequate coverage, with a number of Trustees proportionate to the size of the individual province.

Focus radiological consultation

Entirely telematic management, to significantly reduce the necessary times.


MEDEXPERT represents a new concept for legal medicine – we developed the organisational model that everyone uses in medical insurance in Italy today.


Web Server


Online Expertise


Digital Barème


Medexpert was founded to answer the new requirements imposed by Law 57/2001.
Through the experience gained in 40 years of Medical Insurance activity, Medexpert looks to the future both for its professional area of interest, and for the aim of transcending Italian borders, with Europe as its goal. Scientific, publishing and conferences’ activity developed through Melchiorre Gioia Scientific Society, both in Italy and Europe, includes participation in Ministerial Commissions and ANIA working Groups. This activity is a unique point of reference for Medical Experts’ experience in Italy.


Medexpert was founded to answer the new requirements imposed by Law 57/2001.
Through the experience gained in 40 years of Medical Insurance activity, Medexpert looks to the future both for its professional area of interest, and for the aim of transcending Italian borders, with Europe as its goal. Scientific, publishing and conferences’ activity developed through Melchiorre Gioia Scientific Society, both in Italy and Europe, includes participation in Ministerial Commissions and ANIA working Groups. This activity is a unique point of reference for Medical Experts’ experience in Italy.

some of our services

Medical assessments

Medical assessments and expertise throughout Italy.

Private insurance products

Forensic evaluation of insurance products.

Documentary opinions

Documentary opinions on micro-permanents, underwriting risk, policies, second opinions.

Digital Barème

A model for a relevant change in the system of assessing impairments and pathologies in insurance medicine – PATENT PENDING N.102020000018016 (Registered 14 July 2020) Method for quantifying biological damage. The project consists in the development of a BRMS software platform – Business Rules Management System – applied for the first time in legal medicine. It is a tool to transfer and amplify experience and professional skills within a platform that can be a digital evolution of traditional Barèmes used up to now.

Scientific references

MEDEXPERT S.R.L. Progetto “LA METAMORFOSI DI MEDEA” co-finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

Azione 1.1.3 "Servizi per l'innovazione"
Bando Impresa Digitale

Bareme Digitale 2024

Il progetto prevede di implementare attività di consulenza per la digitalizzazione dell’azienda per valorizzare i contenuti e procedure aziendali in linea con la strategia della regione toscana S3 attraverso l’iniziativa “IMPRESA DIGITALE E INTELLIGENTE”, con una combinazione di servizi: - Classe A, B.5.10 Realizzazione di soluzioni basate su Intelligenza Artificiale; - Classe B, B.5.1 Realizzazione di soluzioni di tipo “Horizontal/vertical integration”, B.5.2 Realizzazione di soluzioni di tipo “Cloud”, B.5.3 Realizzazione di soluzioni di tipo “Big data and analysics”, B.5.4 Realizzazione di soluzioni di tipo “Cybersecurity” ed infine B.2.4 Servizi di supporto all'innovazione organizzativa e digitale mediante gestione temporanea di impresa (Temporary management - TM). Il progetto si avvale di supporto esterno per sviluppare Bareme Digitale 2024, uno strumento innovativo per la valutazione del danno alla persona, integrando intelligenza artificiale nel sistema Medea 4.0. Grazie a un software avanzato, capace di predire valutazioni medico-legali, il sistema offrirà un supporto ai medici nella compilazione delle perizie e nella verifica della qualità dei dati inseriti. Il progetto prevede anche strumenti di estrazione dati per aggiornare i modelli AI e un sistema di monitoraggio della sicurezza.
Importo totale: 85.075,00 €
Contributo: 50.824,75 €